I suppose that I have always been this way, interested and curious. Not just in one or two subjects either. I find so many things fascinating. I can't imagine being bored, as there is always so much to do, or learn. I am an idea person. I was in business management and marketing for many years. Now I have a design studio, LA General Store Design Studio. I get to let my creative brain roam free! I love it when a customer comes in with a new challenge, whether it be for an elaborate costume or a wedding dress. My creative juices start flowing, and I never even wonder IF I will be able to create it. I just start thinking about HOW I am going to do it.
One day, after a customer placed a very intricate order at my studio, my assistant said, "How are you going to make that?" I looked at him and smiled and said -- "I don't have the FAINTEST idea, and that is half of the fun right there!" With the huge amount of information on the internet these days, you can find out nearly anything. I will admit, however, that it can get overwhelming. Trying to find out where information is can be quite daunting!
That is why I am starting this blog. I find SO MANY things so very interesting that I have plenty to share with you in a manner that won't (hopefully) overwhelm you. I will post a couple of things a day, or every couple of days, and sooner or later you will find a subject or two that might interest you too. I also welcome questions. What good is a Lesliepedia, if you can't ask questions?
So today, let's talk about chickens!! Have you ever owned a chicken? I have owned many and LOVED it! At one time I had a bit of a farm-let where I live in the unincorporated County of Los Angeles. I was doing the whole "backyard chicken" thing long before it was trendy. I only raised my hens for eggs, and couldn't have raised them for food! They were my pets and I kept every one of 'em until they passed. "Frenchie" was my favorite and the last to go at 12 years+.
Hen Fact for Today: A hen lives an average of 5-7 years, but can live up to 20 years. She'll lay eggs her entire life, with production decreasing every year from year one. This hen is a Buff Orpington. Once my hens got to be 7 years old, they would only lay eggs in the spring....once they were over 10, they pretty much stopped......kinda like ME!! HA HA. My oldest was a Araucana, who lived to 14. I only raised them for eggs.....the idea of eating one of my lovely ladies -- horrors!
The chickens above are Rhode Island Reds. Did you know In their natural environment chickens are fastidiously clean and preen their feathers everyday? These Reds are a solid size, beautiful with beautiful plumage. They don't compete with the Silky Chickens that are featured below however! These chickens are showstoppers and bred more for their looks than anything else, but they are chickens and do lay eggs.
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